Breast cancer self check, Healthcare and Medicine concept

How to Stop the Breast Cancer Epidemic

Let’s review the facts:
  • #1 most feared disease in women
  • #1 occurring cancer in women
  • 2nd leading cause of death in women
  • 5 new cases every 15 minutes
  •  1 in 9 will contract it
  • 185,000 new victims each year*50,000 deaths annually

Some Symptoms of Breast Cancer

  • A lump or thickening anywhere in a breast
  • Discharge from the nipple
  • Retraction or swelling of the nipple
  • Dimpling or puckering anywhere on the breast
  • Scaly patches around the nipple
  • Discoloration/redness
  • Temperature rise/feeling of heat
  • Enlarged lymph nodes under arm
  • Breast changes not related to menstrual cycle
  • Chronic swelling and sores around the mouth, gums, or jaw
  • Hypothyroidism, especially if linked to iodine deficiency

Let’s now ask “you” a very important thought-provoking, rhetorical question — Why is it that “breast exams and mammograms” will never be successful at curtailing the current Epidemic in America of Breast Cancer? Take a moment to think about it….

Why? Because, as with so many Western approaches to Dis-ease, these screening procedures do nothing about “the Causes” of Breast Cancer.

Why is it that we see more emphasis is being put on “so-called” early Detection than Prevention? Well, my friends, simply and unfortunately put, it’s because the “Cancer Industry” makes Absolutely No $$$ on Prevention and in fact stands to lose Billions of $$$ if we really had a True War on Cancer — where the government, corporations, churches, industry, medical profession, and our citizens all banded together to eliminate and at least minimize “the Causes” of Cancer.

Unfortunately, by the time breast cancer is clinically detectable, the cancer has quite likely been developing for an astounding 10-40 years prior to detection. Is this early detection or late detection? Well in terms of perhaps saving your life, it’s “hopefully” early — but in terms of preventing cancer, it’s very late, and again is not addressing the causes creating the cancer…. Which simply sets up the possible return of the cancer, metastasis, or appearance of the cancer elsewhere in the body — because the body has been so compromised through poor lifestyle and environmental exposure that it has fallen into a condition to allow the development and propagation of cancer. We must realize that a “properly functioning body” not exposed to radiation or environmental pollution or unmanageable trauma or stress and equipped with a strong immune system will quite likely not get Cancer… A healthy lifestyle reduces your risk of getting breast cancer dramatically. Finally, we must realize that cancer many times represents a “Systemic Degenerative Problem”/ “End” Stage Pathology that has been developing for decades due to poor lifestyle, diet, and environmental abuses.

So while so-called early detection of breast cancer is important and does truly save lives…. It is exceedingly essential for us to look at and place “more” emphasis on ‘Prevention’ and examine the Causes or Risk Factors associated with breast cancer, so that you can Avoid getting Breast Cancer altogether!!!

How to “Prevent” Breast Cancer

Known Risk Factors:
  • Avoid high consumption of Foods, Drinks, And Medicines that contain including: caffeinated products, teas, coffee, chocolate, soft drinks, and various drugs.
  • Avoid a high fat, high protein, high dairy, high meat diet.
  • Do have children and especially at an earlier age.
  • Avoid wearing a bra 24 hours per day: take a break!
  • Do breast feed at least 2 years.
  • No smoking or alcohol.
  • Do eat organic, unprocessed food as much as possible (and avoid commercial, non-organic food that is laced with toxins and carcinogens including Fast and Junk Food).
  • Also drink pure water.
  • Avoid radiation exposure and environmental pollution.
  • Do get plenty of exercise: internal and external.
  • Avoid obesity, especially in the abdominal area (Do your crunches and aerobics!!!).
  • Avoid white bread “glue” and include lots of fiber in the diet.
  • Eliminate chronic constipation and sluggish liver.
  • Minimize using commercial make-ups, perfumes, deodorants, hair care products, perms, dyes, especially those containing toxic chemicals and in many cases possible carcinogens.
  • Eliminate or minimize oral contraceptive “pills” (The Pill) and medications containing estrogen. Lower estrogen levels by any Safe means necessary.
  • Do consume plenty of carrots and green leafy vegetables high in beta carotene.
  • Do take herbs and nutritional supplements to promote normal estrogen and hormonal balance.
  • Avoid aborting in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, teenage pregnancy, and early puberty.

The Role of Estrogen in Breast Health

What about the question of estrogen…. Let us now understand that a correct balance of estrogen in a woman is invaluable as it protects a woman from cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis; but excessive estrogen predisposes women to tumors, cysts, and cancer of the reproductive system. Estrogen is produced all over the body. For example, estrogen is produced in the ovaries, adrenal glands, and fat tissues. Estrogen circulates throughout the body in the bloodstream and then is eventually delivered to the intestines by the liver, then eliminated from the bowels.

The problem with a high fat diet is that it encourages certain species of bacteria to grow and propagate in the colon. These certain bacteria in the colon (of which a “high fat” diet encourages their growth) have special ability to breakdown the normally non-absorbable complex molecular molecules that include estrogen. Therefore, the non-absorbable estrogen complex that was delivered to the colon by the liver is now broken down to an absorbable form, thus resulting in re-absorption into the system (again due to a high fat diet). The result is a higher (elevated) estrogen level in a woman who eats high Fat diet and “even higher” estrogen levels if the woman eats the modern meat and dairy products which are pumped with synthetic hormones to make animals grow Faster and Fatter. So that commercial animal protein as well as animal Fat raises estrogen levels considerably in women, which consequently promotes cysts, tumors, fibroids, lumps, and ultimately a very significant risk factor in promoting breast cancer.

Problems with So-Called “Early Detection”

Methods: Self-Examination and Mammography

Most women are not diligent about checking their breasts regularly for lumps and therefore many lumps go undetected.

A tumor that is pea-sized and located deep within breast tissues may go undetected no matter how diligent the woman is with her self-examination.

Only 25% of breast cancers detected by mammography are in the “earliest” stage (and it is this “earliest” stage that has the high 5-year survival rate of 95%). What this means is that the other 75% of breast cancer detected by mammography may well be in later stages where the cancer metastasizes (spreads) into other body systems.

Mammograms will give false positive readings 70-80% of the time which means that a biopsy reveals there is actually no breast cancer when the mammogram indicates there “may” be.

Some experts and researchers consider the repeated low-level exposures to the radiation (due to mammograms) as cumulative, hazardous, and a contributory cause of breast cancer.


***Breakthrough in “Very Early” Cancer Screening***

Women and men should very seriously consider getting the AMAS Test (which stands for Anti-Malignant Antibody Screening). The AMAS is a simple blood test measures the presence of any Cancer in the body (including: Breast, Prostate, Ovarian, Lung, etc.). Many cutting-edge medical professionals are now using the AMAS Test as a primary preventive screening procedure in conjunction with ‘conventional’ screening methods (including: DRE, PSA, mammography, etc.) Why????…. Because the AMAS Test has been shown to be 95% reliable and accurate on the first test, and 99% when repeated. The real advantage of using the AMAS Test is that it can detect Cancer up to 19 months before ‘conventional’ medical screening can find it…. However, the AMAS Test is not effective to detect advanced stages of cancer.

Breast Cancer Therapeutics

The preventive and alternative and wholistic approaches assert that good things can happen for healing any disease (especially cancer) as we focus on:

  • Cleansing and detoxifying the body of Toxins, Poisons,and Wastes
  • Dramatically raising your Immune System response
  • Increasing the operational and synergistic efficiency and effectiveness of all of our internal organs (especially the liver)
  • Give the body all the “building blocks” in terms of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytochemicals and high quality, assimilatable proteins, carbs, essential fatty acids, fiber, and pure water
  • Assisting the body in restoring a healthy oxygen level through Oxidative Therapies

Finally, and maybe most importantly, we must be sure to heal emotional/spiritual/mental “dis-ease” or “imbalances” by forgiving and letting go of fear, hate, resentments, Toxic thoughts and emotions, and any negativity whatsoever so that spiritual awakening and shifting our perspective and priorities results in fostering love, Faith, emotional honesty, and emotional discharge.

Examples of time-tested, effective therapeutics include: intravenous, megadose vitamin C and other anti-oxidants and immune stimulants, coffee enemas (to tremendously detoxify the liver), shark cartilage (prevents tumor growth), mega-“juicing” therapy (green juice and carrot/apple juice), chelation therapy (to remove heavy metals and increase circulation), high-powered soy products (Halen, isoflavonoids, genistein), proteolytic and pancreatic enzyme therapy (for maximum digestion and to dissolve tumors), live foods and/or slow cooked foods (to maximize digestion, absorption, assimilation, and metabolism), herbals that are anti-cancer, hydrogen peroxide or ozone infusions (to oxygenate blood and stimulate the immune system), lymphatic massage, meditation, visualization, forgiveness work, and reading success stories on those who have overcome breast cancer…. to name a few….

Other special programs and therapeutics are: 714X, Gerson Therapy, Kelley’s Therapy, carnivora (Venus flytrap), Livingston Therapy, laetrile, thymus extract injections, hydrazine sulfate, etc.

Highly Recommended Books on Alternative and Complementary Therapies for All Cancers:
  1. An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer by Burton Goldberg
  2. A Cancer Therapy by Max Gerson, M.D.
  3. Options: The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book by Richard Walters
  4. Cancer and Nutrition: A 10-Point Plan to Reduce Your Risk of Getting Cancer by Charles B. Simore, M.D.
  5. Alternatives in Cancer Therapy by Ross Pelton and Lee Overholser
  6. A Cancer Battle Plan by Anne E. Frahm
  7. Love, Medicine, and Miracles by Bernie Siegel, M.D.
  8. How I Conquered Cancer Naturally by Eydie Mae
  9. You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay
  10. Instantaneous Healing by Harry Douglass Smith
  11. Dynamic Laws of Healing by Catherine Ponder
  12. Healing Secrets of the Ages by Catherine Ponder
  13. Prostate Health in 90 Days by Larry Clapp
  14. Breast Cancer and Breast Health by Susan S. Weed

In closing, if you have breast cancer and your oncologist recommends chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or extensive surgery, I strongly urge you to ask these questions: How many patients with my type of cancer have you treated? What are the side effects of the treatment and how can I minimize them? What percentage of patients have survived five years? Do you know of options, alternatives, or complementary therapies other than (or that can be used in conjunction with) surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation for my type of cancer?

Finally, after reading this article, we hope that you will be immensely encouraged, inspired, empowered, and motivated to understand that only Team-Work and a comprehensive holistic approach will work to beat the breast cancer epidemic. Therefore, consider alternative approaches, as well as traditional approaches that may be used individually or in a complementary fashion. In closing, the keys to a “serious” war on breast cancer (and all cancers) must include: prevention first, then early detection screenings, holistic complementary therapies (including nutrition, detoxification, immune function, and psycho/spiritual/emotional connections), and finally, when necessary, judicious and responsible use of traditional toxic therapies (including: chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery).

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