The U.S. Healthcare System is in serious crisis as evidenced by the ever-increasing “Epidemic” of Chronic Degenerative Illness. While American Politicians “constantly and enthusiastically” talk, superficially of course, about Health Care Reform, the cost of American medicine is racing wildly out of control, approaching $2 trillion annually. We must realize that medicine in the U.S. has unfortunately become a trillion dollar “industry” that focuses on Disease Management and Crisis Intervention. Furthermore, we need to face America’s shocking, appalling, shameful Health Statistics that rank below other Western nations in many key health indices including: high cancer rates (especially lung, breast, and prostate), poor cardiovascular health (heart attacks, strokes, and high blood pressure), below average life expectancy, poor infant mortality rates, and an epidemic of Chronic Degenerative Diseases.

Please, my friends, don’t wait until you are stricken with this U.S. Epidemic of Chronic Degenerative Illnesses… just “look” at the statistics because you or I could be next if we remain uninformed and passive.

Surely we are all aware of this Epidemic of Illness facing U.S. citizens including Cancer (Prostate, Breast, Lung, over 150 documented types of Cancer, 1 out of 2 will get Cancer before the age of 75) and Heart and Artery Diseases (Atherosclerosis, Heart Attacks, Strokes, High Blood Pressure, Chest Pains, Memory Problems, Alzheimer’s, Arthritis, Poor Circulation, Male Impotence, Female Infertility).

If the Cancer, Heart and Artery Disease Epidemic isn’t enough, there is also the other epidemic of illnesses we can “look forward to” including: Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Diabetes, Arthritis, Prostate Problems, Uterine Fibroids, Asthma, Depression…. the list of our modern day chronic degenerative diseases is virtually endless…. bladder infections, bronchitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, colds/flu, eczema, headaches, hepatitis, herpes, HIV, impotency, multiple sclerosis, PMS, prostatitis, vaginitis, etc., and so on….

Also, let’s not forget the #1 disease group in America which is digestive disorders (including: constipation, indigestion, Chron’s disease, colitis, diverticulitis, gastric reflex, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome and ulcers).


  1. What are the “root causes” of the Western epidemic of chronic degenerative illnesses?
  2. What responsibility do you have for your own quantity and quality of life?
  3. Are there really good alternatives to drugs? (Answer: Yes, many times).
  4. Is it really necessary when I get older, that I be on 5-6 different medications and have several major surgeries?
  5. What fundamental biological mechanisms cause chronic disease and can these be retarded or reversed? (Answer: Yes, many times and the earlier you start the better and easier it is!)
  6. What nutrients and lifestyle factors reduce chronic disease?
  7. What about proper sleep, sex, outlook, exercise, meditation, digestion…. How much can these prevent or reverse chronic disease?
  8. How can we reduce or eliminate free radical damage from being such a formidable contributor to chronic disease?
  9. What role does our toxic environment, stress, immune system deficiencies, and nutritional inadequacies play in chronic disease? (Answer: A big role!)

As a scientist and physician, and for the record, I must tell you that we are talking about a body of knowledge that indeed does have its technical names, medical journals, medical college specialties, etc. as follows: Life Extension Medicine, Free Radical Molecular Medicine, Clinical Nutritional Biochemistry, Applied Toxicology and Immunology, Preventive and Environmental Medicine, and Psychoneuroimmunology.

Vision, Goals, and Objectives of Preventive Medicine

While our current “health care” system has not fared well as evidenced in the aforementioned modern day illnesses plaguing Americans, we must nonetheless continue to hold a strong vision of “health care reform” that goes far beyond mere disease management, suppressing symptoms, and crisis intervention. We need to realize that true health care reform in America must take a broader, open-minded perspective which combines the “best” of both traditional-classical medicine and holistic preventive techniques. What we are talking about is a new era of medicine and healing that realizes it’s not a particular school of thought but “disease” that is the enemy, so that whether it be drugs or acupuncture or surgery or herbs or meditation or vibrational medicine or some combination of these or other therapeutics…. Yes, all these particular therapeutics used for healing may have varying degrees of efficacy, credibility, and usefulness depending on the given set of circumstances. Why not blend the best of all healing techniques available around the world to maximize health in America. Well, I’m here to tell you that a combination of medical and alternative wholistic approaches we are talking about today is the medicine of the future…. so, let the future begin now!

Our Goals must be to:

  • Take a holistic health care approach to prevention and nutritional medicine and life extension medicine
  • Treat potential causes of ill health, not just suppressing symptoms
  • Blend the best of both worlds:
    • Conventional Modern Medicine: featuring state-of-the-art diagnostic, evaluative medical techniques.
    • Holistic Preventive Medicine: featuring nutrition, diet, and lifestyle factors; environmental considerations, mind/body/emotional balancing techniques; complementary therapies, adjunctive therapies, and alternative therapeutics

Our Objectives must be to:

  • Use the best possible diagnostic methods, medical experience, and God-given “intuition” to determine the root causes and scope relating to dis-ease states.
  • Make a strong commitment to individualize a tailor-made program for each patient to assist him/her with their specific health problem; not only by giving them relief from current symptoms, but also by identifying and treating or removing potential causes of ill-health.
  • Constantly researching and applying the latest and best cutting-edge techniques, breakthrough, supplements, and healing therapeutics available from around the world, and stand firm and dedicated to each patient ultimately achieving optimum health!

Translating Preventive Medicine into Our Health Care System

We must not just look for disease and gross illness but also focus on looking for the 15 Root Causes of Illness.

Solving the 15 Root Causes of Disease

  1. Chronic constipation and toxic bowel
  2. Lack of good physical exercise (internal and external)
  3. Poor digestion, absorption, and assimilation
  4. American dietary hazards
  5. Lack of live “uncooked” food in the diet
  6. Vitamin, mineral, and nutrient deficiencies
  7. Food allergies
  8. Candida (yeast), pathogens, and parasites
  9. Poor water drinking habits
  10. Liver weakness, insufficiency, overactivity or toxicity
  11. Environmental pollution (chemicals and heavy metals)
  12. Psychoneuroimmunology (the mind-body connection)
  13. Adrenal stress syndrome
  14. Sleeping dysfunction
  15. Infectious diseases: bacterial and viral

Therefore, the history and physical exams, office visits, intake questionnaires, lab testing, etc. should screen to find where a patient is participating in the 15 Root Causes of Illness.

From over 24 years of patient care, I observed the above 15 Root Causes of Disease that are common and underlying this Western, modern, industrialized way of life here in the U.S. Furthermore, I have found that by identifying these root causes and implementing appropriate treatment and therapeutics, patients have had a remarkable response and greatly increase the quantity and quality of their lives.

Exotic Preventive Lab Tests That You Never Knew Existed

We must utilize the available technology that re-focuses our attention on lab testing that addresses “Root Causes” of Illnesses.

Most Medical Doctors offices simply run “standard” blood tests and do “standard” history and physical exams that only check for basic or gross or advanced disease states. Then this approach either reveals nothing (and you are given a clean bill of health but still don’t feel well or told it’s all in your head) or reveals a serious health challenge. Then, if there is Dis-ease and/or Symptoms, you are given drugs or offered medical procedures that all suppress the symptoms and ignore the “Root Causes”. All too often this “standard” approach does not cure the Dis-ease, but does cause more Dis-ease and unfortunately make you a “faithful, longstanding customer”.

Therefore, the tremendous value of these exotic lab tests is that the patient now is given clear, definitive information that his/her doctor can use to guide them in better, corrective choices in: diet, lifestyle, exercise, nutrition, health supplements, herbs, cleansing and detoxification, internal organ (liver, heart, kidneys, colon, skin, etc.) therapeutics, body system (immune, cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, etc.) therapeutics, and more advanced therapeutics (e.g. acupuncture, chelation therapy, mercury detoxification, massage, colonics, etc.)

There are actually extraordinary tests that truly find the “Root Causes” of Dis-ease, Illness, or Poor Health. Therefore, once the “Root Causes” of Health Problems are identified and quantified, a skillful, experienced doctor can then make sensible recommendations to the patient to correct the fundamental causative factors that created the Dis-ease in the first place.

Finally, with these Exotic Lab Tests, we will be able to answer such Root Fundamental Questions as follows:

  • Is there Cancer growing in your body at a very early stage level that is not being detected by “standard” cancer tests?
  • Do you have Candida/Yeast/Bacteria in your Intestinal Tract? If so, how much and what supplements or pharmaceuticals will kill it?
  • Do you have Heavy Metal Poisoning (lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, aluminum, nickel)?
  • Is your Liver sluggish (i.e. not Detoxing at an efficient level)?
  • Are you suffering from Nutritional Deficiencies (vitamin, mineral, enzymes)?
  • Do you have Parasites?
  • Are Adrenal Glands being overworked (i.e. adrenal stress syndrome)?
  • Do you have a Hormone Imbalance (women or men)?
  • Do you have an Amino Acid Deficiency?
  • Are you suffering from Osteoporosis (bone loss)?
  • Do you have Leaky Gut Syndrome (e.g. are your intestines permeable)?
  • Do you have severe Food Allergies?

Fundamental Exotic Lab Tests that we have found Quite Revealing and Very Helpful in uncovering the “ROOT CAUSES” of Health Problems and ultimately correcting them are:

  1. Amas Test (Anti-Malignant Antibody Screening) (“Early” Cancer Screening),
  2. Amino Acid Analysis,
  3. Digestive Stool Analysis,
  4. Parasitology Analysis,
  5. Female Hormone Panel,
  6. Food Allergy Testing,
  7. Heavy Metal Testing (Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic, Aluminum, Mercury, Etc.),
  8. Intestinal Permeability Evaluation,
  9. Liver (Detoxification) Function Test (Sluggish, Toxic Liver),
  10. Male Hormone Panel,
  11. Osteoporosis (Bone Loss),
  12. Post-Menopausal Hormone Panel,
  13. Temporal Adrenal Profile (Stress).

The Lifestyle and Nutritional Counseling Is Crucial

We must focus on correcting the Lifestyle, Nutritional, and Environmental Factors that have caused health problems in the first place.

Today, many people are praying to find a nutritionally oriented health professional because they are “sick and tired” of drugs, hospitals, surgery, and limited myopic thinking. Furthermore, many studies reveal that 65% of our health is entirely related to our lifestyle (i.e. diet, seat belts, mental attitudes, relationships), 21% is due to environmental factors (i.e. pollution, socioeconomic, climate), 14% genetics and health care (hospitals, drugs, doctors, etc.). Therefore, this tells us that “You are in control of Your Health,” which depends on mostly Lifestyle (65%) and Environment (21%). Finally, it is my contention that the prevailing evidence reveals that:

“Improper lifestyle, faulty dietary habits, environmental pollution, yeast/candida/parasite infestations, misuse/overuse of medications, vitamin/mineral/nutrient deficiencies, sleep deprivation, lack of exercise, and unbalanced mental/emotional states are (86%) major contributors to health problems!”

Truly remarkable results can be had using Lifestyle and Nutritional Counseling that touches on correcting the many contributing factors to Dis-Ease by using many techniques as follows:

  1. Individualized and Tailor-made Nutritional Recommendations
  2. Addressing of Vitamin/Mineral/Nutrient Deficiencies
  3. Friendly and Supportive Life-Style Coaching
  4. Customized Immune Enhancing
  5. Cleansing, Detoxification, and Modified Fasting Programs
  6. Employing Specialized, High-Potency, Hypoallergenic Botanicals (Herbs) and Nutritional Supplements
  7. Non-Invasive and Medication-Free Remedies
  8. Outstanding Live Food Preparation and Proper Cooking Time Management Techniques
  9. Awareness and Education in the Form of: Handouts, Books, Audios, & Videos
  10. Comprehensive Resources and a Professional Referral List for Health Services not offered at our Clinic.

Lifestyle and Nutritional Counseling should be the most important therapy you receive at a Preventive Doctor’s Office because it gets to the root cause of health imbalances and is largely dependent on your participation. This means you have to work at it and make a consistent effort on a daily basis. Please realize that you can maximize all your other efforts in building health through Lifestyle and Nutritional Counseling.

The truth is that if you would only take the time and make the effort to learn and understand how your body functions and what it really needs to survive, you can achieve and maintain a continuous level of good health.

We Must Give Each Patient “Tools” for Health Empowerment

Generally speaking a doctor’s office must empower patients by putting tools into their hands such as:

  • Proper Diet: Live Food, Properly Prepared Food, Food that is Cooked Properly
  • Cleansing and Detoxification: Colonics, Fasting, Eliminating Adulterated Foods, Herb Cleansers, Enemas, Wheatgrass, Live Diet
  • Immune Enhancement: Lifestyle, Sleep, Supplements, IV’s, Diet, Juicing
  • Proper Exercise: Internal/External
  • Yoga, Tai-Chi, Meditation, Deep Breathing, Walking, Weight Lifting, Jogging, Swimming
  • Stress Management: Massage, Yoga, Acupuncture, Exercise, Fun, Relationships, Social, Love, Sex
  • Support Groups/Spiritual Life: Re-evaluation Counseling, Prayer, God, Meditation, Love, Emotional Healing, Forgiveness, Releasing Judgement
  • Read and Study Proper Books, Web Sites, Articles, Tapes, Seminars, Videos, Audios

The doctor’s office ideally should focus on:

  1. Ending and Replacement of Bad Habits in the Patient’s Diet and Lifestyle and Environment including: Junk Food, Fast Food, Dead Food, Smoking, Drinking, Late Nights, Poor Sleep Habits, Poor Elimination, Not Drinking Water, etc.
  1. Weaning patients off Prescription/Non-Prescription Medications as much as possible to avoid: Side-Effects, Toxicity, Liver Damage, Weakened Immune System, and Cancer

Remove Mercury Fillings As Soon As Possible

Have you ever stopped to consider the well-documented possible Health Risks of the those so-called Silver Fillings in your mouth that are actually made up of 50% “Mercury” as well as other toxic materials including silver, nickel, and tin??? According to many well-known authorities, there are serious reasons to hold Great Suspicion about the Safety of those so-called Silver Fillings being 50% Mercury in your mouth including:

  1. Why is that 3 European Countries have banned the use of these silver/mercury fillings?
  2. Why is that in one European Nation, you cannot even be eligible for Health Insurance until all your mercury fillings have been removed?
  3. Why is it that the Environmental Dental Association and other concerned organizations have called for a ban of silver/mercury fillings?
  4. Why is it that “World Renowned” scientists, environmentalists, and even dentists consider these mercury fillings to be Time Released Mercury Poisoning?
  5. Why is it that “World Renowned” toxicologists and specialists in mercury toxicity have declared silver/mercury fillings unsuitable for dental material?

Dr. Hal A. Huggins, who is the pioneering Dentist Researcher on Mercury Toxicity and Dental Mercury Fillings, has done phenomenal work in this area and has discovered disease connections as follows: Gastrointestinal Problems (Gastritis, Chron’s Disease, Colitis), Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s and Lou Gehrig’s Diseases, Alzheimer’s Disease, Arthritis, Lupus, etc.

EDTA Chelation Therapy: Medical Science’s Best Kept Secret

EDTA Chelation is a relatively safe, low-cost possible alternative to hazardous open-heart surgery (and other invasive medical procedures), but the “establishment” doesn’t want you to let you know about it! Chelation offers a new direction in the treatment of all diseases caused by advanced hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) because it influences the basic pathology taking place. Chelation therapy is solidly grounded in Scientific Thinking and Empirical Proof! Moreover, Chelation Therapy works! Various studies and reports indicate that 85% of all patients treated with Chelation Therapy have received benefits. In addition, Chelation may provide help in a host of chronic diseases including: strokes, heart disease, hypertension, heavy metal poisoning, chronic fatigue, Alzheimer’s, senility, arthritis, osteoporosis, MS, varicose veins, cold hands and feet, diabetes, and cancer.

Studies and statistics indicate that by-pass patients don’t live any longer than people treated non-surgically and that symptoms reoccur in over 50% of patients within a year. While by-pass surgery is sometimes necessary, it is often over-used and unnecessary and ultimately does not address the system-wide problem of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

Millions of citizens, including celebrities and doctors, in the U.S. have used the treatment and 60 million worldwide. Over 1400 Medical Doctors in the U.S. use Chelation Therapy to treat Cardiovascular Illness and other diseases.

As mentioned, Chelation Therapy involves intravenous infusions over a course of treatments in a doctor’s office. Chelation Therapy patients are also generally advised to take a comprehensive approach to their treatment and health, including, as needed, diet, exercise, stress management programs, and dietary supplements. As with any medical treatment, patients should ensure that their treating physicians have appropriate training and credentials for administration of EDTA Chelation Therapy.

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